#!/usr/bin/perl use Time::Local; use Getopt::Std; use POSIX; sub Usage{ print STDERR < /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");} print SAC "echo on\n"; print SAC "r $outfile\n"; if ($opt_m) { # add event information from CMTSOLUTION FILE print " Adding event info from $opt_m\n"; ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,undef, $elat,$elon,$edep,undef) = get_cmt($opt_m); ($oyear1,$ojday1,$ohr1,$omin1,$osec1,$omsec1) =tdiff($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift); print SAC "ch o gmt $oyear1 $ojday1 $ohr1 $omin1 $osec1 $omsec1\n"; print SAC "evaluate to tmp 0 - &1,o\n"; print SAC "ch allt %tmp% iztype io\n"; print SAC "ch evla $elat evlo $elon evdp $edep \n"; print SAC "w $outfile\nquit\n"; close(SAC); if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");} else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");} print SAC "echo on\n"; print SAC "r $outfile\n";} if ($opt_a) { # add station information print "Add station information\n"; (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$net,$sta,undef,$comp)=split(/\./,$file); print SAC "ch kstnm $sta knetwk $net kcmpnm $comp\n "; ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta +$net' $opt_a`); if (not defined $sta_name) { print("No such station $sta+$net in $opt_a file\n"); ($sta_name,$sta_net,$sta_lat,$sta_lon,$sta_ele,$sta_bur)=split(" ",`egrep '$sta' $opt_a`); if (not defined $sta_name) { print " No such station as $sta in the $opt_a file\n"; $sta_text .="$sta ";}} print SAC "ch stla $sta_lat stlo $sta_lon stel $sta_ele stdp $sta_bur\nwh\n"; print SAC "w $outfile\nquit\n"; close(SAC); if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");} else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");} print SAC "echo on\n"; print SAC "r $outfile\n";} if ($opt_l){ # cut record print " Cut the record from o+$lmin to o+$lmax\n"; (undef,$tmp_o)=split(" ",`$saclst o f $outfile`); if (abs($tmp_o-$undef) < $eps) {die("O has not been set to cut record\n");} print SAC "setbb begin ( max &1,b ( &1,o + $lmin ) ) \n"; print SAC "setbb end ( min &1,e ( &1,o + $lmax ) ) \n"; print SAC "cut %begin% %end% \n"; print SAC "r $outfile\n cut off\n w over \nquit\n"; close (SAC); if ($opt_c) {open(SAC,"|sac ") || die("Can't open sac\n");} else {open(SAC,"|sac > /dev/null") || die("Can't open sac\n");} print SAC "echo on\n"; print SAC "r $outfile\n";} if ($opt_t and not $opt_f) {# filter records print " Filter record at periods $tmin and $tmax\n"; print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n"; printf SAC ("bp n %4d p $pass cor %12.6f %12.6f\n",$poles,$f1,$f2); printf SAC " rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n";} if ($opt_i or $opt_R) { # transfer instrument response if (! $opt_t) {die(" Specify bandpass range by -t\n");} $f0=$f1*0.8; $f3=$f2*1.2; print SAC "rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n"; (undef,$network,$sta,$comp,$khole)=split(" ",`$saclst knetwk kstnm kcmpnm khole f $outfile`); if ($network eq $cundef or $sta eq $cundef or $comp eq $cundef or $khole eq $cundef) { die("No network station name or component name or khole defined in $outfile\n");} if ($opt_i) { # assume pz file in the same dir $pzfile=`ls -1 $filedir/SAC_PZs_${network}_${sta}_${comp}_${khole}* | head -1`; chomp($pzfile); if (!-f $pzfile) {print " **** No pzfile $pzfile **** \n"; $no_resp=1;} else {print " Transfer instrument response using pz file $pzfile\n"; printf SAC ("trans from polezero s %20s to none freq %12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f \n", $pzfile,$f0,$f1,$f2,$f3);} } else { # assume resp file in opt_R @respfiles=glob("$opt_R/${network}.${sta}.${khole}.${comp}*.RESP"); $respfile = find_resp_file($outfile,@respfiles); if (! -f $respfile or @respfiles == 0) {print " **** No respfile $respfiles for $network, $sta, $khole, $comp ****\n"; $no_resp=1;} else { print " Transfer instrument response using response file $respfile\n"; printf SAC ("trans from evalresp fname $respfile to none freq %12.6f%12.6f%12.6f%12.6f \n", $f0,$f1,$f2,$f3); printf SAC "mul 1e-9\n"; }} printf SAC " rtrend\n rmean\n taper width $opt_T\n"; } if ($opt_s) {print SAC "interp delta $dt\n"; print SAC "w over\n";} if ($opt_p) { # add p and s arrival info print " Add first P and S arrival information\n"; (undef,$gcarc,$edep)=split(" ",`$saclst gcarc evdp f $outfile`); if (abs($gcarc-$undef) < $eps or abs($edep-$undef) < $eps) {die("No gcarc and depth info\n");} ($Pph,$Ptime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc P`); ($Sph,$Stime)=split(" ",`$phtimes $edep $gcarc S`); if (not $opt_m) {$tshift = 0;} print SAC "evaluate to tmp1 $Ptime - $tshift\n"; print SAC "evaluate to tmp2 $Stime - $tshift\n"; print SAC "ch t1 %tmp1% t2 %tmp2%\n"; print SAC "ch kt1 $Pph kt2 $Sph\n";} if ($opt_y) { # add arrival times to headers @numbers=split(/\//,$opt_y); $npairs = floor(@numbers/2); if (@numbers != $npairs*2) {die("Enter -y t0/Vel/t0/Vel/...\n");} for ($i=0;$i<$npairs;$i++) { $int = $numbers[$i*2]; $slope = $numbers[$i*2+1]; print " Add arrival time for waves with group velocity: $slope\n"; (undef,$dist,$begin,$end)=split(" ",`$saclst dist b e f $outfile`); if (abs($dist-$undef) < $eps) {die("Not defined dist\n");} $h1 = 3+$i; $h1 = "t$h1"; $k1 = "k$h1"; $v1 = $int + $dist/$slope; (undef,$v1,undef) = sort {$a <=> $b} ($begin, $v1 ,$end); printf SAC ("ch $h1 %12.2f\n",$v1); print SAC "ch $k1 $h1\n";}} # print " write file $outfile\n"; print SAC "w $outfile\n"; print SAC "echo off\nquit\n"; close(SAC); if ($no_resp and defined $opt_d) { print "Deleting $outfile\n"; system("rm -f $outfile");} } print " Done! \n"; #********************************************************** sub mday2jday { my($oyear,$omonth,$oday)=@_; $omonth = $omonth-1; #months range from 0..11 $time_sec = timegm(3,3,3,$oday,$omonth,$oyear); @t = gmtime($time_sec); my($jday) = $t[7]; $jday += 1; return ($jday); } sub tdiff{ my ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tadd)=@_; $time = timegm($osec, $omin, $ohr, $oday , $omonth-1, $oyear); $time += ($tadd +$omsec/1000); #event_time in machine format $msec = sprintf("%03.0f",($time - (floor($time)))*1000); $time = floor($time); #event-time: my($sec, $min, $hr, $day , $month, $year,$weekday,$jday) = gmtime($time); $month += 1; $year += 1900; $jday +=1; return ($year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec); } sub get_cmt { my ($cmt_file)=@_; open(CMT, "$cmt_file") or die("Error opening $cmt_file\n"); @cmt = ; my($pde,$oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec1)=split(" ",$cmt[0]); my($osec,$omsec)=split(/\./,$osec1); $omsec=$omsec*10; my(undef,undef,$tshift)=split(" ",$cmt[2]); my(undef,undef,$hdur)=split(" ",$cmt[3]); my(undef,$elat)=split(" ",$cmt[4]); my(undef,$elon)=split(" ",$cmt[5]); my(undef,$edep)=split(" ",$cmt[6]); my(undef,$Mrr)=split(" ",$cmt[7]); my(undef,$Mtt)=split(" ",$cmt[8]); my(undef,$Mpp)=split(" ",$cmt[9]); my(undef,$Mrt)=split(" ",$cmt[10]); my(undef,$Mrp)=split(" ",$cmt[11]); my(undef,$Mtp)=split(" ",$cmt[12]); close(CMT); return ($oyear,$omonth,$oday,$ohr,$omin,$osec,$omsec,$tshift,$hdur,$elat,$elon,$edep,$Mrr,$Mtt,$Mpp,$Mrt,$Mrp,$Mtp); } sub find_resp_file { my($file,@resp)=@_; # using sac own saclst my(undef,$year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec)=split(" ",`saclst nzyear nzjday nzhour nzmin nzsec nzmsec f $file`); $f_date=sprintf("%04d.%03d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%04d",$year,$jday,$hr,$min,$sec,$msec); # print "$f_date\n"; my($resp_file)=""; foreach $resp (@resp) { ($rs_date) = split(" ", `grep 'Start date' $resp | awk '{print \$4}' | tr , . | tr : .`); ($re_date) = split(" ", `grep 'End date' $resp | awk '{print \$4}' | tr , . | tr : .`); # print "$rs_date; $re_date\n"; if ($rs_date le $f_date and $re_date ge $f_date) { $resp_file=$resp; last;} } return($resp_file); }